Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Day 3 - the ride itself!

Hi all,

Wow! Words truly cannot describe. Kind of like trying to explain to someone who has never ridden a motorcycle why it is that I love to ride! Look at the following pix and you will understand - of course, my biker peeps already understand and a big THANK YOU for encouraging me!

I hope to come back some day and spend a whole week here, Monterey alone is worth the trip but Big Sur -- like WOW!

One thing I have learned - do not leave the camera charger 150 miles away! (:-) Anyway I have lots of great pix!


Tomorrow -- back to SF and to the PCA/ACA Conference - where I am presenting on Web 2.o and Motorcycle culture. This ride is actually part of my research for the conference! (yep, really!, uh huh!......)

More from SF.

- gerry

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